7 Signs that Fear is Controlling My Life
7 Signs that Fear is Controlling My Life Fear has a positive function. It triggers strong emotion to let us know we are in danger.
The Cycle of Addiction
The Cycle of Addiction Addiction to alcohol or other substances can affect anyone. Unfortunately, some of us are more vulnerable to the cycle of addition
Is My Drinking or Drug Use a Problem?
Is My Drinking or Drug Use a Problem? Abuse of alcohol and other mood altering drugs is the number one cause of preventable death in
CCA to Provide Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitative Services
CCA to Provide Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitative Services CCA is now licensed to provide Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitative Servicesin Greensburg, PA! September is annually designated
Avoiding God’s Purpose
Avoiding God’s Purpose Maybe the most common behavior associated with avoidance is the fear of God’s “call” on our lives. The “Jonah syndrome” refers to
Stay Healthy and Aware!
Stay Healthy and Aware! Get Back In Touch With What Matters 3 Effects of Prolonged Elevated Anxiety Hypervigilance – a state of increased alertness. Anxiety