ASK Christian Counseling Associates
Dr. Rich Hoffman, Founder and Clinical Director of Christian Counseling Associates will offer podcasts that will cover a wide range of mental health topics from a biblical perspective. It’s CCA’s hope that during your listening time, you will receive sound clinical advice, inspiration and timeless wisdom to face daily challenges, or help others along the way.
PODCAST 34 | Faith, Sobriety, and Human Flourishing (Guest: Justin Kunkle) | 92 min 15 sec
On this episode of Ask Christian Counseling Associates, join Justin Kunkle, the Director of Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation at CCA, as he explores the profound intersection of faith, sobriety, and human flourishing. Delve into the transformative journey of addiction recovery, where Justin shares invaluable insights and experiences that shed light on the path to healing and thriving.
Video of Podcast – CLICK HERE
PODCAST 33 | It’s the end of the world as we know it, do we feel fine? (Guest: Pastor Don Walczak and Dr. Kris M. DeJeet) | 97 min 02 sec
On this episode of Ask Christian Counseling Associates, we explore the question, It’s the End of the World as we know it; do we feel fine? Join special guests Pastor Don Walczak and Dr. Kris M. DeJeet from Cornerstone Ministries as we explore the intersection of addiction, existentialism, and the human journey in the modern world.
Video of Podcast – CLICK HERE
PODCAST 32 | Nurturing Resilience: Unpacking Trauma, Abuse, and the Nature-Nurture Nexus (Guest: Allison Smith) | 105 min 26 sec
On this episode of Ask Christian Counseling Associates, we’ll navigate through personal stories of triumph, the complexities of trauma and abuse, and the interplay between our inherent nature and the nurturing we receive. From heart-wrenching anecdotes to enlightening conversations, join the podcast with special guest Allison Smith, as we explore big life challenges and how to emerge from them stronger, wiser, and more resilient.
Video of Podcast – CLICK HERE
PODCAST 31 | Summertime Blues – Is There a Cure? (Guest: Kiley Henehan and Josh Ricketts) | 87 min 42 sec
Who is Dr. Joe Maola, and why does he have the Summer Time Blues? Answer: Dr. Joe is a counselor at CCA who thought he could “chill” online but missed the podcast scheduled onsite. That’s what happens when we have a case of mixing up virtual rays with real-life delays. But seriously, are you having symptoms of restlessness, dissatisfaction, or frustration during the summer months? You might be struggling with the summertime blues! Join us with special guests Kiley Henehan and Josh Ricketts of CCA, as we share the cure for how to beat these blues this summer.
Video of Podcast – CLICK HERE
PODCAST 30 | Christian Education is Back (Guest: Dr. Merle Skinner) | 107 min 14 sec
Private Christian schools are in, in a big way. What is the difference between Christian and Public Schools? Why is Christian education important to consider as a viable option? I am your Host, Dr. Rich Hoffman. On this Ask Christian Counseling Associates episode, Join me with our Special Guest, Dr. Merle Skinner, the Executive Director of Christian Family and Children’s Center in Champion, Pennsylvania.
Video of Podcast – CLICK HERE
PODCAST 29 | It’s All Gone to Pot! (Guest: Tom Weil and Chuck Sigler) | 85 min 15 sec
Marijuana use is on the rise in our culture, most states are on the brink of legalization. What does this say about our society? What is a Christian mental health response to this issue? I am your host, Dr. Rich Hoffman, and on this episode of Ask Christian Counseling Associates, join me to discuss these questions and more topics with our Clinical Supervisor, Tom Weil, and CCA counselor Chuck Sigler.
Video of Podcast – CLICK HERE
PODCAST 28 | On Grief from the Viewpoint of a Young Adult (Guest: Alexander Petrie) | 90 min 27 sec
Losing a loved one is tragic and affects life in deep and permanent ways. How can we understand and make meaning of these experiences? I am your Host Dr. Rich Hoffman and on this episode of Ask Christian Counseling Associates, Join me to hear a story of grief and loss from a young man’s perspective with guest Alexander Petrie from Charter Oak Church in Greensburg, PA.
Video of Podcast – CLICK HERE
PODCAST 27 | On Healthy Relationships (Guest: Carmen Shullo) | 96 min 03 sec
What does it mean to be in a healthy relationship? Why are healthy relationships in our lives so important? Today this idea is foreign to our culture and even the mainstream mental health profession. I am your host, Dr. Rich Hoffman, and on this episode of Ask Christian Counseling Associates, Join me to discuss these questions and more topics with our guest pastor Carmen Shullo from Butler, Pennsylvania.
Video of Podcast – CLICK HERE
PODCAST 26 | Life, Liberty, and Concepts of Truth (Guests: Millie Lace and Josephine Tyne) | 76 min 49 sec
On this episode of Ask Christian Counseling Associates, we are podcasting from Caldwell, New Jersey, during our visit to the United Nations, with special guests Millie Lace, Founder and Director, and Josephine Tyne, representative to the UN from Concepts of Truth International.
Join us as we discuss what God has ignited in the Life-affirming movement of Concepts of Truth and how Christians everywhere can have an impact for the kingdom.
Video of Podcast – CLICK HERE
PODCAST 25 | Live from the United Nations: International Perspectives on Mental Health and Christianity | 56 min 17 sec
We know what issues face us in America, but what about other places? Other Cultures? On this Ask Christian Counseling Associates episode, join us live from the United Nations in New York City, where we gather with an international panel to discuss mental health issues from a Christian Perspective. Join us and learn more about interesting, diverse cultural perspectives on mental health and faith.
Video of Podcast – CLICK HERE
Do you have a question for Christian Counseling Associates? Fill out the form below and Dr. Hoffman will be sure to address it in an upcoming podcast.