Marriage Moment–Top-Ten

Top-Ten List

Then the Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him.”  (Genesis 2:18)

Marriage holds times of great joy and challenge.  As time passes, it is easy to forget that marriage completes who we are. This week, remember all the things that brought you and your spouse together and rejoice!

Take a moment today and make a “Top 10” list.  Remember and reflect on the top 10 reasons you love your spouse?

  • Be intentional about appreciating your spouse by sharing your “Top 10” list in conversation.
  • Ask yourself, “What can I do this week to keep celebrating the blessing of our marriage?”

Carve out a few moments and be on your way to a stronger marriage!

Want to find out more…



To find out what it’s all about, please view the video above. This weekend is scheduled for Feb. 27 thru March 1st at the Sheraton Station Square in Pittsburgh PA.

 Sign up now and take advantage of Super Early Bird Pricing available until Nov. 28th. (Visit Website for More Details – Click Here).

Spend a moment, sign up and Come Refuel, Re-Connect, and Re-Commit to an excellent marriage, “From This Day Forward”!

God Bless,

Richard Hoffman Ph.D.

Clinical Director

Christian Counseling Associates of Western PA


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