The census bureau announced recently that our national marriage rate has hit a “93 year low.” As a county, we are marrying less, and waiting longer to seek faithfulness in a marital commitment.
At Christian Counseling Associates, we acknowledge that marriage is a gift that transforms us into the men and women that God created us to be.
That is why we are introducing a new series called “Marriage Moment.” Every Wednesday, we will send a brief email article to you. Take just a minute or two to read and receive great tools for improving your marriage.
This week, we will start by taking a moment to acknowledge the opportunity that marriage brings us in life.
“For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and become one flesh.” (Genesis 2:24)
Take a moment and acknowledge that God can use marriage to transform us in the best ways.
Want to find out more…
This weekend is scheduled for Feb. 27 thru March 1st at the Sheraton Station Square in Pittsburgh PA.
Sign up now and take advantage of Super Early Bird Pricing available until Nov. 28th. (Visit Website for More Details – Click Here).
Especially, share this announcement with your friends and family. From great marriages, to those who need a serious tune up, many have experienced a turning point at this special weekend event.
God Bless,
Richard Hoffman Ph.D.
Clinical Director
Christian Counseling Associates of Western PA