Family Victory: Purpose Driven Parenting

 When was the last time you asked your children about their goals in life?  Curiously, many parents who were surveyed about this topic admitted that they were not adequately prepared to answer this question. 

In the fast paced business of life… between jobs, school, sports, and other activities …they hadn’t had the time. When surveyed, the average family didn’t have a plan. 

Some parents stated that their goal was simply to keep their child out of trouble.  Others stated vague things like, “I want my children to be happy.” Some stated the common myth, “Nature will take its course.” 

Take a moment to reflect…how would you answer a survey about your family’s life goals?

Give your Children a Road Map

If you do not take responsibility for helping your children set goals, unfortunately, somebody or something else (like random life circumstances) will.  Are you prepared to take this chance with your family? 

Proverbs 29:18, tells us, “Where there is no vision, the people perish…” Helping your children set goals in their life, “opens the door” to discovering their purpose and passion for life.  The goal setting parent, is a purpose driven parent.

Reasons parents should consider being a goal setting parent:   

–  Goals serve as a measure of success

–  Goals guide decisions throughout a child’s development

–  Goals are like the GPS on your car, it keeps you on track

–  Goals set the rhythm or a pace in the life of your family

–  Goals are roadmap to were you family is going


Achieve a Victory for your Family

Goal setting theory is generally accepted as among the most valid and useful motivation theories and is widely used by many churches, organizations, companies and small businesses.

Parents can also use the basics of goal setting as an effective tool for their families.  Here are some basic techniques to set effective goals:

Goals should be based on your child’s unique skills, abilities and interests:

–  Spend the next week observing your child’s unique skills abilities and interests

–  Set aside a time of prayer with your spouse regarding your child’s God given gifts

–  Set aside a time of conversation with your spouse to refine your observations


What is the overall “vision” for your child’s future?

–      List 3 broad goals that would allow your child to use their unique skills, abilities and interests.

–      Now for each broad goal, apply the steps below:


What are specific objectives that will allow your child to achieve the goals or vision listed above?

–      Refine each objective even further: Identify 3 specific steps for each of the items listed in this section.

Design a way of measuring progress: 

–  What do you want to see on a daily basis that would let you know that some progress has been made toward each objective?


Design a way to measuring the  support you are giving toward your child’s progress:

–  How many times a week are you giving (or do you need to give) attention to specific abilities or interests of your child?

–  How many activities (per month) are you exposing your child to that will spur interest and passion toward their goals?


Being an active goal setting parent opens the door to your child’s future.  It gives them a road map for success.  However, establishing progress in your family can be challenging.

Do you need help with parenting tools? Do you need support for establishing a family victory?  At Christian Counseling Associates we have a team of dedicated experts in marriage and family counseling.  Proverbs 15:22 tells us, “Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed.”  If we can be of help in supporting your next family victory, call us today!

May God bless you this weekend!

Richard Hoffman Ph.D.
Clinical Director
Christian Counseling Associates of Western PA


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