I can’t express enough thanks to my therapist and CCA.
I have just finished a year’s worth of counseling. I can’t express enough thanks to my therapist and CCA. I had many issues that had come to a head about a year ago and I decided it was time to do something about it. My CCA Counselor got me through a very difficult time and helped me to deal with it. Thanks to my CCA Counselor, I feel very confident that I can deal with anything that comes along.
Anonymous Client
My CCA counselor was an answer to this prayer.
Anonymous Client
My CCA counselor has given me a safe and cherished space to talk and discuss a range of topics.
“Thank you Christian Counseling Associates (CCA) for being a blessing to many during difficult and vulnerable times.I had been a part of intense counseling with another counselor for a 3 year period, dealing with issues that plagued my life for more than 40 years from being a victim of incest, to medical events, to severe depression, and many other personal matters too numerous to mention, but had finished those sessions 9 months earlier and believed that I had resolution, closure, and an arsenal of coping techniques.”
“Therefore, when I first met with my CCA counselor, 6 months ago I thought I was there just for some “tweaking” (6 – 8 sessions to get me “back on track”) due to some very recent events at that time in my life. I had a great relationship with my former counselor, who was a woman of faith, but worked within a secular practice, so I admittedly was guarded and un-deservedly skeptical and critical of my CCA counselor going into my first session. However, after meeting our first meeting, all my negative preconceptions faded away.”
“I found my CCA counselor to be a Godly woman and she has been able to provide me help and hope through Christ centered counseling and encouragement. I felt safe and at ease with her after the first couple sessions; was able to build a rapport with her early-on and quickly developed an absolute trust in her. Trust is imperative and it must be earned. My CCA counselor had the innate ability to identify the core issues with which I struggle and her thoroughness took me back to my childhood to tackle the origin of my core issues. My counselor from CCA was competent, confident and consummate professional. I have the utmost respect for her knowledge, her willingness to go above and beyond, and have tremendous admiration for her dedication to her profession.”
“My CCA counselor has given me a safe and cherished space to talk and discuss a range of topics. She has made insightful observations which have assisted me in making connections and providing clarity regarding my past and present. Her cautious analysis in a constructive manner, while working hard to make inroads into personal, behavioral and spiritual issues has been a blessing. In addition, she is non-judgmental, compassionate, patient, empathetic, calming, supportive, encouraging, and caring, has personal warmth and above all is genuine.”
“The road has been longer than initially thought, the detours have had “pot holes”, and the road ahead is still under construction as l work at developing a relationship with God and letting God be in control, but without reservation there is no other “spiritual civil engineer” I would rather travel this road with the counselors at Christian Counseling Associates.”
Anonymous Client
I thank God for leading us to our CCA counselor who helped us restore the marriage we both longed for.
“My husband and I sought counseling regarding his addiction to internet pornography. He was immediately defensive and ready to leave our marriage, but finally agreed to my insistence for Christian counseling. We are both thankful for God’s direction in leading us to our counselor at Christian Counseling Associates (CCA). Our CCA counselor listened and led with open-ended questions, without conviction, that brought my husband to release his guilt over time spent with strippers, buying pornographic magazines and videos, many visits to strip clubs with lap dances, an affair, heavy drinking and spending thousands of dollars on all of this. Our CCA counselor talked us through all these painful disclosures by making us examine what we truly felt for one another when we first married and how we might get back to that. He also prayed with us and for us in each session.”
“As a result, my husband has been forgiven by God and by me. Our marriage has never been stronger and we have never been more in love with each other than we are now. I still have very bad times with mental images of what he had done, but at least now, with the gentle guidance our CCA counselor provided, we can hold on to one another, claim God’s love for both of us and talk through the pain.”
“I thank God for leading us to our CCA counselor who helped us restore the marriage we both longed for.”
Anonymous Client
Thank you again for your commitment to building this all on the foundation of faith and Christianity.
Dr. Hoffman, I am a new patient with Christian Counseling seeing a Christian Counseling Associates (CCA) Counselor and I want to thank you for two things:
“First for our CCA Counselor. I have only been to see him two times and I cannot begin to tell you have grateful I am – already! He is an amazing person, with tremendous character and a fantastic counselor. He quickly assessed how I learn and went out of his way explain things in more detail than usual so I could understand and apply the concepts better. And second, the association you have set up is such a blessing to so many and I wanted to pass on my appreciation and compliments. Taking the step to go to counseling was not an easy one for me because I have never had the need for it in the past so finding one that has a solid Christian foundation was a great comfort to me. I knew I was in good hands and that made it so much easier.”
“Thank you again for your commitment to building this all on the foundation of faith and Christianity. I wish you much success and growth to touch as many lives a possible!”
Thanks and God Bless!
Anonymous Client
Thank God for trained professionals like our Christian Counseling Associates (CCA) counselor.
“Thank God for trained professionals like our Christian Counseling Associates (CCA) counselor. When my marriage of thirty-six years hit rock bottom, our CCA Counselor was able to help me deal with my personal issues that have had a negative impact on my marriage. Therapy is never easy for a man such as myself. The process of self-examination was painful at times. However, my CCA counselor eased the pain by showing me that there was light at the end of the tunnel. Today I feel like a newlywed! My wife now has that same glow in her face that was present when we first met. To all the men out there…do not fear therapy…embrace it!”
Anonymous Client
CCA has been instrumental in the healing of many lives within our congregation.
“As a pastor, I see the great need for healing in persons’ lives every day and I recognize the limitations of my own counseling abilities. Because of that, I am so grateful to have Christian Counseling Associates (CCA) in our community that I can refer people to with confidence. CCA has been instrumental in the healing of many lives within our congregation.”
Eric Detar, United Methodist Pastor