Christian Counseling Associates’ Jamestown office is a part of our church partnership with Brooke Hills Free Methodist Church. Our office is located at 1340 Washington Pike in Wellsburg, West Virginia. Our offices proudly serve residents of Brooke County and the surrounding communities.
CCA has a large network and organizational structure to provide the best counseling services to clients. Our counselors are highly trained and are graduates from accredited institutions. Our Wellsburg office staff is qualified to provide Christian counseling for a wide variety of mental health issues including Anxiety, Depression, Greif, Trauma, Marital and Family problems, along with more complex issues. Our Jamestown office serves all Adults, Children, Adolescents, families, and couples.
Brooke Hills Free Methodist Church
1340 Washington Pike #2226
Wellsburg, WV 26070
Brooke County
Phone: 304-605-2555
Monday: 9AM-9PM
Tuesday: 9AM-9PM
Wednesday: 9AM-9PM
Thursday: 9AM-9PM
Friday: 9AM-9PM
Saturday: By appointment Only
Sunday: Closed
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