inner compass

The Inner Compass

The Inner Compass Virtues and Psychological Flexibility Part of being emotionally unhealthy, or psychologically inflexible, is a function of being disconnected from what really matters in life. As we move toward psychological illness, we lose our life direction. This can be experienced in a generalized sense of apathy. Day to day life starts to take…

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Christian Counseling Associates

The Importance of Soul Perspective

The Importance of Soul Perspective People arrive in counseling with a history of self judgments, evaluations, thoughts, images, feelings, rules, memories, physiological sensations, roles, and impulses. These self-judgments have great potential to influence how we perceive our identity. “Self as content” and “Self as context” are psychological terms used to define how we relate to…

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ecclesiastes9 10

Acceptance Versus Avoidance – Part 2

Acceptance Versus Avoidance – Part 2 Psychological Flexibility As discussed in last week’s article (click here to read full article), Psychological Flexibility can be seen as a continuum of being emotionally flexible and healthy to being emotionally inflexible and unhealthy. The process of developing Psychological Flexibility follows core aspects of how we deal with or…

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Acceptance Versus Avoidance – Part 1

Acceptance Versus Avoidance – Part 1 Psychological Flexibility Psychological flexibility can be seen as a continuum of being emotionally flexible and healthy to being emotionally inflexible and unhealthy. The process of developing Psychological Flexibility follows core aspects of how we deal with or interact with life challenges. This first core aspect that we will explore…

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