Healing Attitudes – A Final Word

Over the past several months, we’ve been dealing with the topic of attitude change. God has designed us to cultivate certain types of attitudes in our daily living. Foundationally, this is described in Philippians 4: 8, Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of…

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Healing Attitudes – Submission

Ever tell yourself something like, “I am tired of that person telling me what to do.” Here is the attitude spectrum to reflect on this week: Pride and Rebelliousness ← ———— ↔ ———— → Humbleness and Submission This week reflect on the following scripture to help you discover the truth about the healing attitude of…

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The Rebellious Attitude

My childhood home was at the bottom of a hill that ended in a horseshoe turn that would curve back around and then go up the hill again. Since the street did not have an outlet, there was not a lot of traffic. Therefore, it was relatively safe to play in the front yard. There…

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Healing Attitudes – Faith

“Only when faith replaces doubt in the life of a believer can the joy of knowing God become a reality.”  James McDonald Hebrews 11:1 – “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”  (KJV) The healing attitude of faith can make all the difference in how we experience…

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The Doubting Attitude

Doubt = the absence of faith. The doubt attitude in a person’s life has significant consequences. At Christian Counseling Associates, we have the great opportunity of helping people with depression, anxiety, issues of addiction and substance abuse, marital problems, and much more. The doubting attitude can affect many aspects of our life, even our emotional…

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Healing Attitudes – Love

The Attitude of Love Of the themes that men have known One supremely stands alone Love is the theme, Love the supreme. Sweeter it grows, glory bestows. Bright as the sun, ever it glows. Love is the theme,The eternal theme. Author Unknown In our last article, we explored the “Critical Attitude” and the potential it…

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The Critical Attitude

Criticism = dwelling on the perceived faults of a person or situation while excluding what is good. Biblical example – Numbers 12:1- 12 (please read and meditate on this section of Scripture) In the above passage, we find an example of Miriam’s criticism of Moses. Moses (guided by God) was leading the people of Israel…

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Healing Attitudes – Contentment

We live in a land of great abundance. It would make sense that with all the opportunity and resources that are available to us, one would have a great sense of satisfaction. Instead, we find this culture of abundance to be very challenging. Because we have so many choices and so many possibilities, it is…

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The Covetous Attitude

originally posted 6/14/2013 by Richard Hoffman Ph.D. The attitude we choose, can have big consequences. When we can identify wrong attitudes, with God’s help, we can begin a process of replacing them with the attitudes God has designed for us. This can be healing. Attitudes can be responsible for the way we think, feel, and…

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