Anger Management
Christian Counseling Associates offers expert assessments and interventions to improve anger management.
Attending an anger management class can assist you in identifying triggers to explosive anger. Counseling can help you resolve the source of what “stirs you up,” and lead you to discover the difference between healthy and dysfunctional patterns of anger.
Everyone must deal with the emotion of anger. The Bible tells us that there is a time for everything, even anger. Jesus expressed righteous anger at various times during His ministry on earth (Mark 11:15, Matthew 21:12-13, Mark 3:5). So anger can be an appropriate and valuable emotion that is part of genuine expression.
Explosive anger is often contrary to how God wants us to handle challenging relationships and situations. Christian counseling can help you discover other strategies to handle life problems. You can improve your ability to listening carefully and choose wise words. God compels us to “let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, and slow to wrath” (James 1:19). Understanding Biblical anger management and what is at the core of your anger response can be life changing. Anger management sessions can prove to be a beneficial part of your life and assist furthering your success in marriage, family, work, or church.
For those who are court ordered to attend Anger Mangement Courses with a counselor: We provide a 6 – 12 session Anger Management Course that meets the requirements for legal issues. These are completed individually with a counselor. Certificate of completion is issued at the conclusion of counseling for verification purposes.
Out of control or dysfunctional expressions of anger can cause damage to your relationships, employment, health, or even your spiritual walk.
Ask yourself these questions…
1. Does your anger flare up frequently?
2. Do you find that your anger is fueling behavior that is out of control?
3. Is someone’s behavior who is close to you hurtful or even dangerous at times?
4. Has your anger become chronic in your life and developed into bitterness?
5. Have you been referred for court ordered anger management classes?
Take control by getting help with your anger management today.
Call us at 724-396-1510.