What are you afraid of?
What are you afraid of? There is a high price to pay for being overtaken by fear. Anxiety is an immobilizer. It stops us from moving forward and living life. It is a thief that robs us of our dreams. This is the most damaging aspect of fear. The current environment is challenging. We are […]
7 Signs that Fear is Controlling My Life
7 Signs that Fear is Controlling My Life Fear has a positive function. It triggers strong emotion to let us know we are in danger. What is there to be afraid of in our current environment? The suggestion of illness, injury, economic hardship and violence can be an unsettling reminder of the possibility of personal […]
The Cycle of Addiction
The Cycle of Addiction Addiction to alcohol or other substances can affect anyone. Unfortunately, some of us are more vulnerable to the cycle of addition than others. However, anyone has the capacity to fall into addictive behavior. Recognizing the cycle of addiction is an important first step in healing from the deceptive patterns created by […]
Is My Drinking or Drug Use a Problem?
Is My Drinking or Drug Use a Problem? Abuse of alcohol and other mood altering drugs is the number one cause of preventable death in the United states. It is estimated that Alcohol use disorders afflict 14 percent of the U.S. population every year. Lifetime prevalence of drug addiction is estimated to be as high […]
CCA to Provide Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitative Services
CCA to Provide Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitative Services CCA is now licensed to provide Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitative Servicesin Greensburg, PA! September is annually designated “National Recovery Month” in the U.S. as an effort to raise awareness regarding the impact that addiction has on individuals, families, and communities across the country. According to Center of […]
Avoiding God’s Purpose
Avoiding God’s Purpose Maybe the most common behavior associated with avoidance is the fear of God’s “call” on our lives. The “Jonah syndrome” refers to how we not just avoid the plan God has for us, sometimes we are so vigorously opposed to our purpose that we run from it. The book of Jonah, found […]
Stay Healthy and Aware!
Stay Healthy and Aware! Get Back In Touch With What Matters 3 Effects of Prolonged Elevated Anxiety Hypervigilance – a state of increased alertness. Anxiety naturally over focuses, or inflates our sense of potential threats in our environment. Frozen in Place – anxiety leads to fear and uncertainty which impairs are ability to act on […]
The Anatomy of Fear
The Anatomy of Fear In the season of COVID-19, concern about physical health and well being has triggered anxiety in many people. The Anatomy of Fear explores what is at the core of the experience of fear and dread. Once you breakdown what is at the heart of issue, you can master your fears. Want […]
Resiliency in Times of Crisis
Resiliency in Times of Crisis Resilience – the capacity to recover quickly. The ability to spring back. Its starts with a deep knowledge that you are not alone in the struggle. We hope this podcast will help you face the upcoming days with a renewed strength and spirit. LISTEN TO PODCAST
Taking Committed Action
Taking Committed Action Looking for a new start in 2020? That’s what many seek when coming to counseling. A new year is symbolic of a new start. We can all have a new start in life. The ultimate goal of any counseling is to develop a sense of what is dysfunctional in life and develop […]
Avoiding God’s Purpose
Avoiding God’s Purpose Maybe the most common behavior associated with avoidance is the fear of God’s “call” on our lives. The “Jonah syndrome” refers to how we not just avoid the plan God has for us, sometimes we are so vigorously opposed to our purpose that we run from it. The book of Jonah, found […]
Acceptance Versus Avoidance – Part 2
Acceptance Versus Avoidance – Part 2 Psychological Flexibility As discussed in last week’s article (click here to read full article), Psychological Flexibility can be seen as a continuum of being emotionally flexible and healthy to being emotionally inflexible and unhealthy. The process of developing Psychological Flexibility follows core aspects of how we deal with or […]
Acceptance Versus Avoidance – Part 1
Acceptance Versus Avoidance – Part 1 Psychological Flexibility Psychological flexibility can be seen as a continuum of being emotionally flexible and healthy to being emotionally inflexible and unhealthy. The process of developing Psychological Flexibility follows core aspects of how we deal with or interact with life challenges. This first core aspect that we will explore […]
What are Your Psychological Milestones in Life?
What are Your Psychological Milestones in Life? A “Milestone” is literally a roadside marker that lists the distance to a location. Figuratively, “Milestones” refer to psychological markers created by significant events in life that leave an emotional imprint. These imprints or memories are brought to the present when recalled through “triggers” in your environment. Psychological […]
Analyze The Problem – Behavior Chains
Analyze The Problem – Behavior Chains Looking to start over again in 2019? Many people come to Christian Counseling Associates (CCA) looking to make changes, not only in how they feel, but in their overall lifestyle. Many are searching for an understanding of why they struggle with painful emotions or dysfunctional relationships. Analyze the Problem: […]
Starting Over
Starting Over It’s a new year! Hard to believe another Christmas season has passed, as we quickly return to our regular routines. For many of us, New Year’s resolutions are already on “shaky ground” as we conclude the first full week of 2019. Even still, we want to encourage you as we look forward to […]
Valuing Liberty in the Healing Process
Valuing Liberty in the Healing Process Liberty comes from the Latin word libertas, which means “unbounded, unrestricted or released from constraint.” Many of us are seeking to be released from problems such as depression, anxiety, and addiction. Others are seeking resolution from dysfunctional relationships in marriage or families. As we seek freedom from these painful […]
How can we find freedom from emotional pain?
How can we find freedom from emotional pain? Free·dom – /ˈfrēdəm/ = the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint. The “Three Ds” are most often what drive a person to seek counseling: Distress, Disorder, and Dysfunction. Over time, behavior and emotion become habit. At this point, […]
New Life Summit
Don’t miss this upcoming 2 day conference presented by the American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC)! New Life Summit will address Mental Health and the Mission of the Church. Packed full with pre-conference workshops, dynamic plenary sessions featuring some of the world’s leading experts, and engaging workshops built around eight tracks; this event will teach us how […]