Marriage Moment–Faithfulness

The census bureau announced recently that our national marriage rate has hit a “93 year low.”  As a county, we are marrying less, and waiting longer to seek faithfulness in a marital commitment.  At Christian Counseling Associates, we acknowledge that marriage is a gift that transforms us into the men and women that God created […]

From This Day Forward

Christian Counseling Associates is excited to present:   “From This Day Forward 2015 –  Marriage Renewal Weekend” To find out what it’s all about, please view the video above. This weekend is scheduled for Feb. 27 thru March 1st at the Sheraton Station Square in Pittsburgh PA. Sign up now and take advantage of Super […]

Empty Nest Marriages

There are many issues in marriage.  Maybe one of the most challenging situations is during the transition to the empty nest years.  On average, couples face this stage of marriage between 50 to 64, as their children transition to independence.  As major transitions occur during this time, significant challenges are often faced. Statistics show that […]