Stay Healthy and Aware!

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Stay Healthy and Aware! Get Back In Touch With What Matters 3 Effects of Prolonged Elevated Anxiety Hypervigilance – a state of increased alertness. Anxiety naturally over focuses, or inflates our sense of potential threats in our environment. Frozen in Place – anxiety leads to fear and uncertainty which impairs are ability to act on […]

The Anatomy of Fear

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The Anatomy of Fear In the season of COVID-19, concern about physical health and well being has triggered anxiety in many people. The Anatomy of Fear explores what is at the core of the experience of fear and dread. Once you breakdown what is at the heart of issue, you can master your fears. Want […]

Resiliency in Times of Crisis

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Resiliency in Times of Crisis Resilience – the capacity to recover quickly. The ability to spring back. Its starts with a deep knowledge that you are not alone in the struggle. We hope this podcast will help you face the upcoming days with a renewed strength and spirit. LISTEN TO PODCAST

Taking Committed Action

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Taking Committed Action Looking for a new start in 2020? That’s what many seek when coming to counseling. A new year is symbolic of a new start. We can all have a new start in life. The ultimate goal of any counseling is to develop a sense of what is dysfunctional in life and develop […]

The Importance of Soul Perspective

Christian Counseling Associates

The Importance of Soul Perspective People arrive in counseling with a history of self judgments, evaluations, thoughts, images, feelings, rules, memories, physiological sensations, roles, and impulses. These self-judgments have great potential to influence how we perceive our identity. “Self as content” and “Self as context” are psychological terms used to define how we relate to […]

Avoiding God’s Purpose

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Avoiding God’s Purpose Maybe the most common behavior associated with avoidance is the fear of God’s “call” on our lives. The “Jonah syndrome” refers to how we not just avoid the plan God has for us, sometimes we are so vigorously opposed to our purpose that we run from it. The book of Jonah, found […]

Managing Feelings

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Managing Feelings The ability to analyze our behavior allows us to more closely determine what causes it. If we want to make a change in our lives, we need to gain awareness about the current behavior and why we do it. Extensive psychological research has identified connections in how thoughts and feelings affect overall behavior. […]

The Truth Frees Our Mind

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The Truth Frees Our Mind “So Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed Him, “If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” John 8:31 – 32 The most important aspect of evaluating thoughts is developing […]

How Does Counseling Work?

How in Counceling

How Does Counseling Work? Psychological Assessment Tools Available at CCA The beginning of counseling involves an acknowledgment that help is needed. Where are we experiencing pain? Is it emotional anxiety, or depression? Is it physical pain? Maybe we know there is something wrong because of broken relationships or isolation? Maybe it’s a deeper sense that […]

influences in emotion and behavior


Bio-Psycho-Social-Spiritual influences in emotion and behavior 1. What is One – Dimensional Treatment? Many times when seeking help for emotional problems like depression and anxiety, we are under the impression that these issues are due to a chemical imbalance. Advertising campaigns, primary care physicians, classroom “experts,” and even trusted friends may contribute to the opinion […]

Pornography and Avoidance

Pornography is sexually explicit material that dehumanizes, objectifies, and degrades men and women for the purpose of sexual arousal. Unfortunately, Internet pornography is more popular than ever (see statistics to the left). Pornography promotes escape from reality. It allows the user to participate in sexual behavior without responsibility or consequences. Many rationalize this type of avoidant […]