Medication-Assisted Treatment vs. Abstinence-Based Recovery: Two Approaches to Addiction Treatment

Medication-Assisted Treatment vs. Abstinence-Based Recovery

Medication-Assisted Treatment vs. Abstinence-Based Recovery: Two Approaches to Addiction Treatment Image Example Addiction recovery is a challenging journey, and the treatment approaches can vary significantly. Two prominent methods, harm reduction, and abstinence-based recovery, have distinct goals and philosophies. Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT), a key component of harm reduction, focuses on minimizing the immediate risks of substance […]

Trauma-Informed Care in Faith-Based Counseling: Healing Through Understanding

Introduction to Trauma Informed Care

In the realm of mental health and counseling, understanding the profound impact of childhood trauma on brain development is crucial. Recent research underscores that childhood trauma can rewire critical brain networks involved in self-focus and problem-solving, emphasizing the urgent need for trauma-informed care. What is Trauma-Informed Care? Trauma-informed care is a framework that recognizes the […]

Recent Celebrity Death and the Impact of Addiction

Recent Celebrity Death and the Impact of Addiction

Fans of all ages were shaken by the devastating news of Friends star Matthew Perry’s untimely passing on October 28, 2023. While the cause of his early passing has not been made public, many are reminded of his years of addiction that were a focus of his recent memoir, “Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible […]

Promoting Life-Affirming Choices and Support

In a recent study conducted by the Family Research Council’s Center for Biblical Worldview and pollster George Barna, a surprising statistic came to light: one in six regular churchgoers in America admitted to having, paying for, or encouraging an abortion. This revelation may shock many, but it underscores the pressing need for guidance and support […]

Supporting Our Youth: Families Taking a Stand Against Teen Vaping

In recent years, the growing concern surrounding the increased use of vaping among high school students has raised alarm bells among parents, educators, and health officials alike. According to a study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in October 2022, the statistics are sobering: approximately 14% of high school students and […]

Overcoming Your Psychological “Set Point”

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Counseling with Impact Internal challenges such as depression, anxiety, addiction, trauma, and grief are common. In the routines of everyday life, it is easy to lose sight of our life’s purpose and become attached to dysfunctional psychological patterns. At Christian Counseling Associates (CCA), we provide interventions based on solid principles that are researched, empirically validated, […]

Press the Pause Button

July CCA graphic

Press the Pause Button Designs for Mental Health and Spiritual Growth Internal challenges such as depression, anxiety, addiction, trauma, and grief are common. In the routines of everyday life, it is easy to lose sight of our life’s purpose and become attached to dysfunctional psychological patterns. At Christian Counseling Associates, we provide interventions based on […]

Christian Life in Health and Healing

CCA March 2022

Christian Life in Health and Healing At CCA, we lift up the importance of Christian Life in health and healing. In our work, we seek to promote God’s design for life for every client, and in every community where our organization has a presence. What is central to Christian life? Let us consider four foundational […]

Cultivate Discipline in Times of Uncertainty

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Cultivate Discipline in Times of Uncertainty In Proverbs Chapter 9, we see a picture of a “woman of folly” who offers those who are passing by something sinful, sensual and dangerous. There are those who can see that her offer is dangerous, and will lead to harm. Others are deceived and pulled in by the […]

Grow in Wisdom During Uncertain Times

Grow in Wisdom During Uncertain Times

Grow in Wisdom During Uncertain Times In times of uncertainty, anxiety stops us. The key is to view times of challenge as growth opportunities. In the book of Exodus, we see how God calls His people to journey through the desert toward the promised land. The desert was harsh and full of challenges. However, it […]

Truth in Uncertain Times

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Truth in Uncertain Times So many years ago, we witnessed Pilot’s dilemma that is just as prevalent in today’s uncertain culture. As a government official, Pilot was tempted to align with the majority opinion, rather than be a “Truth teller.” For those of us caught up in the pursuit of power, there is a worldly […]

Don’t Get Swayed this Christmas by Challenging Emotions

Swayed this Christmas

Don’t Get Swayed this Christmas by Challenging Emotions A lot of mixed emotions are triggered during the Christmas season. During the current pandemic, celebrations may trigger a lot of anxiety. However, the challenge of the holiday is to overcome any distracting emotions, memories, or dysfunctional habits and stay focused on the main thing. Building strong […]

Getting to the Heart of Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving

Getting to the Heart of Thanksgiving Will your Thanksgiving look more like this? Or More Like This? Regardless of how you’re planning the holidays, don’t let anxiety destroy the focus! This may be challenging with the looming reports of COVID-19 infections, hospitalizations, and requests to “celebrate responsibly.” It is important to give the option to […]

Home for the Holidays 2.0

home for the holidays 2.0

Home for the Holidays 2.0 The Holidays are a critical time for families. It is traditional for Christian Counseling Associates to be available for those who struggle with challenges during Thanksgiving and Christmas. For the next 7 weeks we will be talking about achieving victory as a family. As we move toward this holiday season, […]

Honoring Our Veterans

Veterans Day Cover

Honoring Our Veterans CCA honors all of those who have served the country in war or peace. May God bless our Veterans. Shaking with Patriotism During the early days of World War II, the American forces undertook the invasion of Sicily. The 1st Ranger Battalion, an Army special forces unit known as Darby’s Rangers, was […]

What are you afraid of?

What are you afraid of

What are you afraid of? There is a high price to pay for being overtaken by fear. Anxiety is an immobilizer. It stops us from moving forward and living life. It is a thief that robs us of our dreams. This is the most damaging aspect of fear. The current environment is challenging. We are […]

The Cycle of Addiction

CCA can help

The Cycle of Addiction Addiction to alcohol or other substances can affect anyone. Unfortunately, some of us are more vulnerable to the cycle of addition than others. However, anyone has the capacity to fall into addictive behavior. Recognizing the cycle of addiction is an important first step in healing from the deceptive patterns created by […]

Is My Drinking or Drug Use a Problem?

Addiction Help

Is My Drinking or Drug Use a Problem? Abuse of alcohol and other mood altering drugs is the number one cause of preventable death in the United states. It is estimated that Alcohol use disorders afflict 14 percent of the U.S. population every year. Lifetime prevalence of drug addiction is estimated to be as high […]

CCA to Provide Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitative Services


CCA to Provide Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitative Services CCA is now licensed to provide Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitative Servicesin Greensburg, PA! September is annually designated “National Recovery Month” in the U.S. as an effort to raise awareness regarding the impact that addiction has on individuals, families, and communities across the country. According to Center of […]