Changing American Family
Challenges of the Changing American Family Today less than half of all families are comprised of a traditional family structure including a mother, a father and their biological children. Blended families have now become the norm, not the exception. Passing on the Legacy Parenting in blended families can often seem like uncharted territory. This […]
Five Ways to Reduce Stress as a Single Parent
Help for Single Parents There may not be a job more difficult in the world than being a single parent. The stress that develops from being overwhelmed as a parent affects the emotional well-being of many. God’s word tells us, “Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to […]
Seven Highly Effective Habits of Godly Parents
Seven Highly Effective Habits of Godly Parents The child-parent relationship has a major influence on child development. When effective, parenting skills and behaviors have a positive impact on self-esteem, school achievement, cognitive development and behavior. However, instilling Godly habits gives parenting the best chance at succeeding. Below is an infographic depicting the seven highly effective […]
Managing Anxiety
It is easy to fall into a habit of worry and anxiety. Today’s fast paced, high pressure life is full of stress. For some, worrying is a habit that has developed slowly over time. For others, anxiety has definable roots in childhood. When does anxiety become a problem? Dysfunctional patterns of worry and anxiety can last quite […]
Assess Your Stress
Want to improve your overall physical health? Gaining a new perspective on your stress levels can help. Research has discovered that stress can be a significant factor in our physical health and well-being. In fact, prolonged exposure to stress can be damaging. When unaware of the impact, we can naturally develop poor coping habits which […]
Healthy Ways to Cope With Stress
Stress in life is inevitable. We all want to experience peace and harmony. However, how we handle stress can prevent well-being and adjustment to life’s daily challenges. In this week’s “Mind Matters,” we will continue to discuss the impacts of stress by examining ways in which we respond to life. Through faith and transformational living, […]
Reducing Anxiety – Learning to Let Go
“Alarm clock screaming, Bare feet hit the floor, It’s off to the races, Everybody out the door. I’m feeling like I’m falling behind, It’s a crazy life.” Lyrics from “Breathe” by Jonny Diaz Many who struggle with anxiety are unaware, or tend to minimize how lifestyle contributes to emotional problems. Anxiety and excessive worry can […]
Becoming Stress Resistant
Stress in life is inevitable. We all have to deal with it. In this week’s, Mind Matters we begin to explore how a lifestyle that is centered in faith can make the difference in how we experience a stressful situation. You slept through the alarm clock. While racing out the door, your dog gets loose […]
Join us for Mind Matters!
Christian Counseling Associates is excited to introduce our upcoming article series “Mind Matters” for the month of April. Our mission is to provide excellent, accessible, and comprehensive faith based counseling. Part of how we serve the community, is by providing the most up to date clinical information on common mental health problems. Your faith development […]