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The Power of TAG Groups: A Journey Beyond Individual Therapy


In the journey of healing and personal growth, many individuals seek counseling to address their challenges. At Christian Counseling Associates (CCA), those seeking help are always initially recommended to individual or sometimes marital counseling (if requested). However, CCA has a comprehensive counseling process that becomes available as our clients make progress. Our TAG Groups represent the next phase of the healing journey, offering a dynamic environment where continued growth becomes possible. TAG Groups stands for:

TAG Group

The Role of Individual Counseling at CCA:

When you begin your counseling journey at CCA, you are paired with an experienced Christian counselor who meets with you one-on-one. These sessions are designed to help you explore and understand the personal issues that have brought you to seek help. Together, you and your counselor work to identify the root causes of these challenges and develop strategies to overcome them. During this time, you start to grow in your ability to be transparent about sensitive, personal issues in your life. This opens you to the help of another person. Together, goals are dynamically set, and moving and growing in a new direction becomes possible. This individualized approach is a crucial first step in counseling, but it’s only the beginning piece.

Galatians 6 2

Why Transition to TAG Groups?

To be genuinely biblical and effective, the growth and healing process must include the Body of Christ, which is God’s design. We often want healing to come through quicker methods. However, true healing from depression, anxiety, trauma, and addiction happens through a gradual process of building a different relationship to our problems. Here Is the Biblical Model:

  • When we face challenges, we seek the power of the Holy Spirit to guide and transform us. (Relationship with God)
  • We then seek growth in relationships with the body of Christ (the Church). Christian Counseling provides a safe and private environment for this to start.
  • As we find stability and peace in the problems we face, we can lean into the body of Christ and trust Him more for a relationship that will guide, transform, and help us grow.
  • Growing in our Relationships to Christ tangibly involves growing in our relationship with the body of Christ, which involves other people.  This happens dynamically in a TAG group’s safe, private environment guided by a Christian Counselor. We often become isolated in our problems, and this is a large part of what keeps us stuck. God’s design is for us to reconnect and share this burden with others who can walk alongside us in a faith journey.

Once you’ve established a solid foundation through individual counseling, your CCA counselor will introduce you to the next step in your healing journey: TAG Groups. These groups are not just an add-on to your individual sessions but a vital component of your overall treatment plan. TAG Groups provide an environment where you can continue to make progress that is usually impossible through individual counseling alone.

Group therapy has been studied for decades by the clinical community and is known to be a highly effective step in the counseling process. However, since the 1980s, as psychiatric medications became a popular substitute, group therapy began to be offered less and less.  This is unfortunate, as many will fall short in their recovery process without this vital step and consequently may be spurred onto an increasing long-term dependency on medication as a substitute for further growth.

The Unique Benefits of TAG Groups:

  • Community Support and Shared Experiences: In TAG Groups, you join others who are on similar journeys of healing and self-discovery. This shared experience creates a sense of community where you can gain a sense of support and increased well-being. The power of group counseling lies in the realization that you are not alone in your struggles. Hearing others’ stories and sharing your own can be incredibly validating and can foster a sense of spiritual belonging that is crucial for long-term healing.
  • Growth of Perspective and Insight: Group settings provide an opportunity to experience different perspectives and insights at a deeply personal level. While individual counseling focuses on the same personal experiences, TAG Groups allow you to expand your insight by observing and gaining feedback from the experiences of others. This new dynamic can lead to breakthroughs and new ways of thinking that do not typically emerge in one-on-one sessions.
  • Accountability and Encouragement: TAG Groups create a structured environment of support and motivation. This kind of accountability is a powerful growth tool that helps you stay on track as you regain a sense of well-being and move toward renewed life goals.  Encouragement from group members can boost your confidence and help you push through challenges that might otherwise keep you stuck at certain plateaus and impasses often experienced when staying in individual counseling too long.
  • Faith-Based Foundation: At CCA, our TAG Groups are grounded in Christian principles, providing a faith-based approach to group therapy. This integration of faith and counseling allows you to explore the spiritual aspects of your healing journey, grow in your faith, and experience renewed strength as you work through challenges with others who now stand beside you in a Christ-led change process.

Addressing Modern Counseling’s Shortcomings:

In today’s counseling landscape, there is often an overemphasis on symptom reduction and medication, which can lead to limited improvement and even overdependence on counselors or medication. Modern counseling tends to downplay the value of group therapy, focusing instead on individual treatment plans that may only address symptoms without fostering deeper, long-term growth. At CCA, we believe in a more holistic approach emphasizing the importance of rebuilding relationships and shared experiences.

TAG Groups are designed to go beyond mere symptom management. They aim to address the underlying issues contributing to your challenges, helping you develop coping mechanisms, resilience, and a deeper understanding of yourself. By participating in TAG Groups, you are taking an active role in your healing process rather than relying solely on a counselor or medication for progress.


TAG Groups at Christian Counseling Associates are a powerful tool for those looking to make significant progress in their healing journey. Moving beyond individual counseling and embracing the transparency, accountability, and shared experiences offered in TAG Groups, you can achieve more profound, lasting change. If you’re ready to take the next step in your counseling journey, we invite you to ask your CCA Counselor for more information and explore the transformative potential of TAG Groups at CCA. Together, we can continue to grow, heal, and find hope for the future.

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“However, as it is written: “What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived”— the things God has prepared for those who love him—” — 1 Corinthians 2:9 Listen to chapter . Powered by




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