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Cultivate Discipline in Times of Uncertainty

Cultivate Discipline in Times of Uncertainty 2

Cultivate Discipline in Times of Uncertainty

Proverbs 9 17

In Proverbs Chapter 9, we see a picture of a “woman of folly” who offers those who are passing by something sinful, sensual and dangerous. There are those who can see that her offer is dangerous, and will lead to harm. Others are deceived and pulled in by the promise of sweetness and pleasantry that will ultimately lead to destruction.

In times of uncertainty, the promise of easy comfort can be irresistible. For some this false promise is found in alcohol, drugs, pornography, gambling, infidelity, and more. Others seek relief in dysfunctional relationships that offer security but strip us of our freedom and purpose in life.

Wisdom counsels us to beware of the quick fix and the instant turnaround. The practice of training and discipline requires patience, and brings peace and meaning in our lives over the course of time. Investing and giving priority to marriage, family and your faith community requires effort. Learning to live a life of transparency and accountability, where you allow others to minister to you, as you learn to minister to others, is a gradual process. To live life according to God’s design, instead of what feels good at the moment, is not easy or fast.

Proverbs 9 1 2

Wisdom is portrayed in scripture as Folly’s rival. She is preparing a feast and inviting all to come in. Wisdom is responsible, while Folly is destructive. Wisdom speaks to the heart, while Folly appeals to sensual desires. It is easier to gravitate toward Folly. It is easy to get sidetracked from Wisdom, but finding her brings completeness and peace.

To build a life on the foundation of God’s wisdom does not come quickly, but the results are permanent and good. The struggle is real, whether it is a troubled situation or emotional. Beware of the psychological quick fix. True transformation and change requires a life that is built on the foundation of Jesus Christ, and lived out one day at a time. When life is uncertain, don’t go for what feels easy. Slow is fast, and fast is slow. Seek change built on God’s wisdom, one day at a time.

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